There are many problems, which face the United States and its citizens today. With the incorporation of modern technologies into everyday life, things have simultaneously become easier and more difficult. Although everyday actions like cooking, communicating, and moving from point a to point have become more efficient, there are a number of side effects which must be addressed. The more modernized things become the more focus shifts away from strong families and relationships. This is in conjunction with other major problems such as poverty, corruption, and a general distrust of officials and government. All these problems branch off and give way to problems that are not as easily combated; problems such as domestic abuse. What exactly is domestic abuse/violence and why is it most often seen in the homes of minorities? “Domestic Violence is a violent confrontation between family or household members involving physical harm, sexual assault, or fear of physical harm. Family or household members include spouses / former spouses, those in (or formerly in) a dating relationship, adults related by blood or marriage, and those who have a biological or legal parent-child relationship. The batterer uses acts of violence and a series of behaviors, including intimidation, threats, psychological abuse, and isolation to coerce and to control the other person. The violence may not happen often, but may remain a hidden and constant terrorizing factor. Domestic violence is not only physical and sexual violence but also psychological. Psychological violence means intense and repetitive degradation, creating isolation, and controlling the actions or behaviors of the spouse through intimidation or manipulation to the detriment of the individual.” The facts that the leading causes (of domestic abuse; poverty, modernization, and corruption) are directly seen in minority communities; they are the ones most commonly affected by these factors. Knowing what Domestic abuse is, it is common to ask yourself why is such a vile act allowed to continue? What types of people would even fathom such thoughts? When presented some facts you would be appalled to see that many public figures are the main promoters and perpetrators. In a recent article published by Vibe Magazine, “Love Hurts”, the common and very public face of Domestic abuse/violence is revealed.
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